Fail-Safe and Reliable!
A responsiveness that puts you far out ahead of your competition. The sureness that snaps you into the gear you want, when you want it...
The kind of ruggedness that lets you slam it into gear without the fear of jamming or springing the mechanism...
That's the Sidewinder shifter for you!
It's so well built, so finely engineered, so beautifully designed that you know at once... it has to be by Winters.
It's Universal
The Sidewinder can be installed on any street or strip transmission. It is available in both conventional and reverse shift patterns
No Accidental Reverse or Starts in Gear!
The Sidewinder is Fail-Safe! It's mechanically impossible to accidentally shift into reverse from any forward gear. A sturdy, steel guard bars the shifting rod from all other positions except first, second, or third. When you want reverse, only you can put it there.
Our Lockout Shifter features an extra mechanism that must be pulled up towards the knob in order to shift in and out of the reverse and park positions.
The Lockout Shifter also includes a safety switch that requires you to have the shifter in the park position in order to start your vehicle.
These features satisfy sanctioning body's rules and regulations.
This is a COMPLETE Kit! Nothing else to buy!
Each kit includes:
- Shifter Assembly
- 5 Ft Morse Cable (other lengths available separately)
- Shifter Cover
- Transmission specific brackets
- Neutral Safety Switch included w/ Lockout shifter only
Great Customized Options
- You can also now have a Reverse Light and Neutral Safety Switch combo factory installed on your shifter. Just choose the option.
- Please select your trans type, forward or reverse pattern and if you want reverse lockout.
Stock - Refers to PRN321 pattern
Reverse - Refers to PRN123 pattern